What is in the demo database?


The demo database we connected in the tutorial attempted to simulate a restaurant business chain with multiple stores in Hong Kong. The restaurant sells a range food and drink items, as well as cash coupons. The database has data from 2022-01-01 to 2023-10-31.

Common questions

  1. What is the total sales in 2022?

  2. How many customer made a purchase in Dec 2022?

  3. Which is the most popular item and what is it's sales?

  4. Monthly sales in a line chart?

  5. What is the gender distribution of customers who have bought chocolate?

  6. etc.

For more details about the available table and column names, please see below:

  • created_at

  • dob

  • customer_id

  • firstName

  • lastName

  • email

  • phone

  • address

  • region

  • district

  • membership

  • status

  • gender

  • created_at

  • updated_at

  • product_id

  • product_name

  • product_sub_category

  • product_type

  • status vendor

  • order_total

  • actual_total

  • created_at

  • parent_order_id

  • order_id

  • customer_id

  • shop_id

  • order_type

  • discount_codes

  • payment_method

  • product_id

  • created_at

  • updated_at

  • shop_region

  • shop_id

  • shop_name

  • shop_type

  • shop_location

  • shop_address

  • shop_phone

  • shop_email

  • shop_website

  • shop_opening_hours

  • shop_status

  • location

  • shop_district

  • product_type

  • product_type_id

  • product_type

  • product_sub_category

  • product_sub_category_id

  • duration

  • budget

  • discount_rate

  • start_date

  • end_date

  • campaign_id

  • campaign_name

  • campaign_type

  • discount_code

  • product_quantity

  • created_at

  • customer_id

  • action

  • product_id

  • device

  • OS

  • browser

  • video_play_50p

  • video_play_75p

  • video_play_95p

  • video_play_100p

  • avg_time_watched

  • video_30_sec_watched

  • ad_id

  • continuous_2_sec_watched

  • thruplay_watched

  • video_play

  • video_play_25p

  • date

  • country

Last updated